Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When To Call A Doctor

Pregnancy can be a difficult time for the expecting mom - both mentally and physically. Not only is your body changing in a million different ways that are totally new to you, but every little twinge can throw you into a state of panic, making you worry that something is seriously wrong. Relax, say the experts. “Women need to remind themselves that the vast majority of pregnancies go smoothly”, says Dr. Bruce Flamm, M.D., an ob-gyn in California, US. Still, pregnancy problems can - and do - happen. That is why it is important for every expecting mom to know the warning signs she should look out for and never ignore. Some symptoms require an immediate phone call to your gynecologist.

1. Extreme Vomiting

Most cases of morning sickness are annoying - but not harmful. But if you are throwing up so much that you can’t keep liquids down or if you are not urinating, you need to let the doctor know. “This can lead to severe dehydration, which is not good for you or your baby”, says Isabel Dr. Blumberg, M.D., an ob-gyn in New York City, US. It can also be a sign that you are suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, a type of extreme morning sickness that can last throughout your entire pregnancy. Also call if you haven’t been able to keep food down for two days straight, if you think you have food poisoning or if the vomiting is accompanied by a high fever. In these cases, you may need to be given IV fluids.

2. Intense Pain in Your Abdomen

If you are less than 12 weeks pregnant, you are feeling sharp cramps on one side of your stomach and you are not yet to get an ultrasound done, your doctor will want to rule out an ectopic pregnancy (one in which the egg has implanted itself in the fallopian tube rather than in the uterus). Later on in your pregnancy, call if the pain is intense or recurrent, since it could be anything from contractions to appendicitis.

3. Watery Discharge or Contractions

If you are near the end of your pregnancy, this discharge probably means you water has broken, so head to the hospital. But if you suddenly experience a gush of fluids anytime before 37 weeks, call your doctor pronto. It might be a sign that your amniotic sac has ruptured and you are going into preterm labour. Still, don’t assume the worst. “Many women think their water has broken too early, when the baby may have just kicked their bladder hard and they lost some urine”, says Dr. Flamm.

Contractions may be another sign of preterm labour. So if you suddenly feel them coming on when you are between 24 to 36 weeks pregnant, pick up the phone.

4. Bleeding

Talk to your doctor immediately if you have vaginal bleeding. “In your second or third trimester, it could mean you have a tear in your placenta or another problem that should be diagnosed by an ultrasound”, says Dr. Flamm. Don’t panic: Bleeding during pregnancy does not always lead to long-term problems. If you are in your first 12 weeks, keep in mind that many women spot in the first trimester, so bleeding doesn’t always indicate a miscarriage.

5. Severe Headache or Swelling All Over Your Body

If you get a bad headache in your first trimester or regularly suffer from migraines, it is probably no big deal. Ditto if you have some swelling in your ankles as your pregnancy progresses - that just means you are retaining fluid. But, if you suddenly get a splitting headache in your second or third trimester, or if your hands and face swell like crazy and won’t go down, you could be suffering from preeclampsia (pregnancy induced high blood pressure) and need to see your doctor immediately. Another possible sign of preeclampsia to tell your doctor about: Your vision suddenly becomes blurry.

6. Lack of Foetal Movement

If you have not felt much in the way of kicking for about an hour, no need to call right away. Instead, drink a glass of fruit juice (the sugar in juice will make your baby’s blood-sugar levels jump, increasing the chances that he will start kicking), then lie on your left side in a quiet room for half an hour. “If you don’t count three to four movements within that time frame, give your doctor a call”, says Dr. Blumberg. “Usually it is nothing - the baby is just being especially still - but your doctor will probably want you to have an ultrasound to make sure there aren’t any problems”.


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